In Loving Memory of A Faithful and Loyal Friend

This summer we had to put down a special part of our family , Scarlett . 14 years ago when she was just 4 weeks old we picked her out among a litter of darling labradors . She stole our heart when we saw the scar on her neck she had already acquired at such a young age from a mishap with a barbed wire fence . From that moment on she became a part of our family and we christened her with the name Scarlett . Deciding to put her down and spending her last moments on earth holding her, was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do . I still miss her and sometimes forget she is not with us, like when I count out the treats for my dogs, I still count one out for her too . Pets are an integral part of our lives and we are blessed for the time they spend with us, albeit it always way too short . Scarlett you are loved and will be missed greatly !

Miriam Gaenicke - August 19, 2010 - 5:02 pm

This brought tears to my eyes!!! So sad! I miss her also!

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